
What Are The Best Siding Materials?

If you’re looking for replacement Siding and have found this article, you are asking the right questions. It sometimes seems like an insurmountable task to have to consider replacing the entire outside of your current home, but sometimes things need to get done. So it’s important to do the research and, lucky for you, research can start right here. New siding adds curb appeal and protection. Just like clothing or home decor every person on the planet has different needs and wants when it comes to siding. There are several types of Siding out on the market which meet different kinds of needs.

First, it’s important to ask the tough questions, but also the correct questions. What are you really needing out of your siding? Are you looking for the cheapest route? Long term durability? Are you wanting a new look for your home with new colors and textures? Protection from storms? These are all great questions to ask as you begin the entire process. Different types of siding will give you different aspects of each of the attributes listed above.

Most Popular

The most popular siding today is . . . Vinyl Siding. Because of its ease of installation, labor costs go down with Vinyl Siding. Most new builds have it because it’s the most cost-effective siding on the market. This is not to say that Vinyl Siding doesn’t have some pretty extraordinary properties as well. It’s grown quite a bit over the years from melting off the sides of houses to the durability it has today. Vinyl siding is wind resistant for up to 145mph. It also never needs to get painted again so this will save you costs down the line. The pros and cons of Vinyl Siding are not as drastic as they used to be. There’s really hardly any cons to getting Vinyl Siding except that it is just not as impact resistant as other siding on the market today. It’s really quite a durable and beautiful replacement siding. Vinyl siding is perfect for individuals trying to keep costs down, and still looking for practicality out of their siding.

Cedar Ridge Siding

Old wood clapboard or wood shingle siding was not the best siding ever placed on houses. This siding allowed water to get under the panels and this lead to mold and water damage. Luckily today we have a new type of engineered wood siding. This composite material, known as Cedar Ridge Siding, is incredibly durable and impact resistant. It’s able to withstand winds of up to 165mph. On top of this, it uses Nepoor technology which makes it the most insulating siding on the market today. In addition, because of this insulation, it reduces noise by up to 45% in a home and reduces energy costs by up to 30%. Cedar Ridge Siding is exclusive to a handful of companies and Conservation Construction is one of these companies. Lastly, it has mix and match color technology so you can get a unique look that is totally you. Cedar Ridge Siding is perfect for those looking for a quiet and more insulated home with a bold pop of color!

Fiber Cement Siding

James Hardie Fiber Cement Siding is the final Siding we’re going to cover in the article today, and it’s the second most popular siding on the market. The benefits of Fiber Cement Siding are just as unique as the two sidings listed above. Fiber Cement is made out of a mix of cement and cellulose fibers. It’s this that makes it resistant to pests and fire. In fact, of all the sidings on our list today it is the only one rated for fire resistance. It’s has a high impact resistance as well. This siding is very hard to install and requires two people to carry the individual pieces, because of this, it means it has the highest labor costs of any siding listed above. Lastly, it has unique baked on color technology. This siding doesn’t fade and will never have to be painted again. Fiber Cement Siding is perfect for those individuals who want their siding to last for generations.
With so many siding products on the market today and their being a variety of options, it’s easy to get a strong, long-lasting siding, but it is hard to know which will fit your lifestyle best. Hopefully, this article has helped you navigate these rocky waters and assisted you to getting some more information on which type of siding would be best for your future renovation.

Final Thoughts

We encourage you to ask yourself of the sidings above which one would fit your lifestyle best? Comment below on what your dream siding would be. We’d love to hear from you and remember to visit our website to get your free estimate on siding, and for more information on our other phenomenal products such as windows, doors and patio doors.

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