New patio doors are the clear choice. That’s because they give you optimal views along with energy efficiency. Do you have old cracked patio doors? Sometimes old doors can have condensation stuck between the glass. Crack and fog can really date your patio door, drag down energy efficiency, are horrible to look at, and aren’t functional. I know because I used to have an old door and I struggled with all of the above. If you have old doors which are 20+ years or older, you may want to consider getting new patio doors. Here’s why . . . 


Clear Views

New patio doors are the clear choice due to their clear views. You don’t understand how frustrating it might be for you to just look at nasty glass everyday. Once I got new windows and doors my mood lightened. Glass is meant to be clean and functional. If you can’t see through your patio door it’s past time to consider getting a new one! New patio door glass from Conservation Construction of Texas stays clear for life due to specialty coatings. In addition, it’ll keep harmful UV rays outside where they belong while still giving you clean views. 


Functionality Makes Your Life Easy

I didn’t realize how much I struggled with my old doors. They wouldn’t lock properly or slide easily. Most people don’t realize how much time they waste on old dysfunctional doors. You can save yourself so much time and hassle by just switching to new patio doors. New easy slide rollers function for life. You’ll get new locks that actually lock and protect your house. With so much ease in your home you’ll be able to focus your mind on the things that really matter. 


Energy Efficiency

New patio doors are great energy savers. In fact, customers of ours who switch to new patio doors can see an average savings of up to 40% off their total energy costs. This doesn’t just mean you’ll be saving money off your energy bill, it also means that you’ll get more stable room temperatures in your home all year long. Why wouldn’t you want to be more comfortable in your own home? 


Lifetime Warranties

Lifetime warranties aren’t obvious to all companies out there, but they were obvious to us at Conservation Construction of Houston. We wanted our customers to have a product they could depend on for the life of their door. A lot of other companies out there say “lifetime” but only mean 10 years. Our lifetime limited warranties truly mean for life. Ask your sales associate about our warranties when you get your free quote for a new patio door. 



Just remember that new patio doors are the clear choice for your home because you get clear views, functionality, lifetime warranties, and energy efficiency. Stop putting off getting a new patio door and start getting the best out of your door instead. Get your free quote for a new patio door today when you visit our website here. We’d love to hear what you have to say about patio doors. Comment below with what you think makes a truly great patio door. Thanks for reading and we hope to have you as a reader next time. 

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