What Is The Best Curtain Color For My Windows?

So you have new windows and now you need to frame them in the best way possible. Which color of curtain will fit your home best? In today’s article we’ll be covering curtain trends and which color might be best for your home! Keep reading to learn more. 


Popular Colors

Neutral colors like gray, black, taupe, beige, ivory and shades of white are fresh and modern. These modern colors are extremely popular in today’s market. Any color of curtain should match any Texas Window! Remember to not match your curtains with the exact color of your walls. It will blend in too much and not give you layers between the walls and windows. 


Difficult Colors To Work With

The only color we would advise you to avoid altogether is true black curtains. Black can be a bit harsh in space even going a dark brown is better. It’s also not a very inviting color from the outside or inside of the home. 

Homes With Minimal Natural Light

If you have a home with minimal natural light make sure to pick curtains at least one shade lighter than the walls to lighten up the space. If you’re choosing white curtains, remember that light colors tend to be less opaque than dark colors. You might need to add a curtain liner to a white curtain if you have privacy concerns or in rooms where you need darker spaces for sleep.


Homes With A Ton Of Natural Light

Windows from Conservation Construction of Houston already have light deflecting properties, so the UV rays won’t damage your furniture/floors and they’ll keep your home at a more stable room temperature. This means you don’t have to get heavy duty curtains just to have them. You can still choose colors which are lighter if that is your wish just make sure to get blackout curtains in areas where you need sleep or your guests will be sleeping. Our windows can reduce your energy costs by up to 40%. 



Pick colors that match your home décor color already. If you have accents of green in your home, possibly choose a green that matches. You wouldn’t want to pick a color that totally clashes with everything else already in your home. Darker curtains work best against light walls. Darker walls work better with light curtains. 


Final Thoughts

We hope we’ve given you a ton of useful information on how to choose the perfect curtain color to frame your new beautiful Texas Windows. Remember to match your décor, choose colors that match how much natural light you have, and get additional blackout backers if you’re decorating a room for sleep. If you are in need of new window replacement please visit our website for your free quote. Thank you for reading and we will see you next week for another article. 

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