Ways Windows Can Increase Your Productivity

A lot of people don’t know that increased productivity at work can come from a number of unlikely sources. For instance, there are a lot of ways that windows can increase your productivity at work. In today’s article we’re going over the ways windows can help you increase work productivity.


A study done by the University of Melbourne stated that gazing at a screensaver with nature could help improve productivity. This was just a screensaver. Other research shows that gazing outside at nature can help improve attention and performance in the workplace. So if you open your windows wide and can see outside to nature, you’ll be all the more productive at work.

Open Windows = Happiness

Opening your windows and looking outside increases pleasant feelings and decreases stress, anxiety, anger and fear. That’s a lot of stress reducers for simply opening your window. Furthermore, there is now growing evidence to suggest when people are happy at work their organizations thrive. One study found that employees who are happy at work are 20% more productive than people who are unhappy. When it comes to salespeople happiness has an even greater impact, raising sales by 37%. So open your windows wide and you’re sure to be more happy and be more productive at work.

Increased Sunlight

With your windows wide open you’re bound to catch more sun and vitamin d than with them closed. Vitamin D can increase production of serotonin in the brain. This can lead to better overall moods and higher levels of happiness. As we talked about in the last paragraph, increased happiness leads to better productivity at work.

Lower Energy Bills

One of the side effects of new home windows is their ability to save you a ton of money on your energy bills. If you choose windows like the Texas Windows you can see a reduction in energy bills by up to 40%. That’s a huge savings. Our windows have been known to increase happiness because of this reduction in energy costs. I know I jumped for joy the first month after my new windows were installed. The bill itself was

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If you don’t want to open your blinds because your old windows are foggy, cracked or broken, you should replace your windows. This way you can open your blinds wide and get all the beautiful benefits that increased sunlight and nature have to offer. With a majority of us working from home, you’re bound to increase your productivity with new home windows.

Final Thoughts

Remember, scenes of nature on your computer can increase productivity, and looking outside at real nature increases your productivity even more. So keep your blinds open during the day to see those amazing views. Increase your vitamin d levels by catching more sun. Happiness in the workplace leads to better productivity and longer attention spans. If you’re reading this as an employee, open your windows. If you’re reading this as an employer encouraging open windows can even increase your staff’s productivity.

Thank you so much for reading today’s article. If you are in need of new home windows you can reach us at our website for your free quote here. We can’t wait to hear from you so please comment below on what you’ve learned from today’s article. We will see you next time.

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