The Importance Of Gas In Windows

Most individuals don’t know about the pocket of gas that is placed between modern windows. This is what insulated glass is all about. It’s not just the Low-E Coatings that make the window energy efficient, it’s other factors like this gas which creates an invisible shield of protection. What type of gas is it and how does it protect your home from solar heat gain? In this article will discuss the properties of high quality window gases. Keep reading to learn more. 


Why Gas Is Used

Gas is used as a pocket of insulation between window panes because it is denser than air. Think of this gas as adding a cushion of protection between your windows. Adding it between the panes instead of air alone improves the windows thermal insulation efficiency. Gases can bring the temperature of the window down to rival room temperatures. This is one of the reasons new windows can give you more inside stable room temperatures all year long. This specialized gas is sealed inside the window and can also prevent air infiltration from the outside into your home. It’s very important for an energy efficient window today to have gas between the glass. 


Argon Gas

This gas is most commonly used in windows because it is great in any temperature or climate. This means whether you live in a rainy place, high altitude, humidity, or anything else, it’ll work just the same no matter the conditions outside. Argon gas is used in both residential and commercial windows. Argon gas’ density gives it unique properties to insulate better for longer periods of times–we’re talking year and years here. 


Krypton Gas

As far as I know Conservation Construction of Texas is the only company on the market today that use Argon gas between the window panes. Argon is denser than air alone so it can improve the R-value of a window even more. 

Argon Mixture 

 This unique formulation of both Argon gasses gives you even more density than air alone, and is the superior choice for home window replacement. This is why it is the optimal choice for Conservation Construction of Texas and our Windows. This odorless colorless gas combination gives you a window that is unparalleled for energy efficiency on the market today.  Krypton and Argon gases don’t expand or contract so the gas should stay put where it’s placed for life. 


How Is Gas Sealed Between Panes 

Companies like Conservation Construction of Texas use a specialty kind of seal for our windows which lasts a lifetime and doesn’t drip down or melt like other companies do. This seal is tight and prevents air from slipping out easily. The gas in our windows has been known to last decades. 


Old Windows

Windows which are more than 15-20 years old have probably lost all their gas and insulating properties. If a seal is broken all the energy saving gas can leak out easily and leave you with condensation stuck between the glass. If you have this problem, it’s best to consider getting windows sooner rather than later because they could be costing you big in energy costs. 



It’s always better to have a window that is filled with gas rather than a window that is filled with air.  A window that is filled with Argon gas like the Conservation Texas window is even more preferred to windows with just argon gas.  If your windows are more than 20 years old they are costing you a lot of money on energy efficiency and should be switched out ASAP. Thank you for reading this article. Please comment below and get your free quote for new window replacement on our website. 

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