Welcome to today’s article. Before you get window installation and choose clad wood, vinyl or aluminum read the article to see which window materials minimize heat transfers. With our help you should be able to pick a window that saves you money off your energy bill and get windows which are maintenance free. 


The best material to have for energy efficiency windows is one that does not conduct heat. Not surprisingly, most frame material made out of metal like aluminum is pretty bad at insulating because metal conducts heat easily. So while the sun is shining in your window the metal is absorbing all that heat. These types of windows are not great in any home because they have very low thermal breaks. They don’t keep the heat out. 

Most people are getting new windows because they have old metal windows in their home already and are looking to upgrade. This was true in my own home. I had aluminum windows and let me tell you everything from the heat transfer, and the fact that I couldn’t get them open, was a pain. By getting new windows you will get supreme energy efficiency and functionality. 

Lastly, you can always get new metal windows, but their seals tends to break more easily than with wood or vinyl. This means you can get condensation stuck between the glass. I had this going on with my old windows too. You can’t clean the condensation out of the glass, and the windows always look murky. You don’t want that, trust me. 


Wood Windows

Wood windows are a better alternative to metal windows. They do insulate better making them more energy efficient than metal windows. They don’t conduct heat and are pretty stable as far as durability goes. The only pitfall to wood windows is that there are only a few manufacturers out there who produce these windows so their prices can be high. If you are looking for a windows to match the wood in your house you might get the best color match by going with wood. 

Things to keep in mind with wood windows

If damaged due to weather conditions, rot and general disrepair, any resulting gaps could allow heat and cold transfer. Customers may need to stain the windows every couple years to avoid problems.  Vinyl windows can be made to look like real wood and are just as durable.  If you don’t need to have wood windows, you can get more longevity and lifetime warranties by picking vinyl windows instead. 


Vinyl Windows

New vinyl replacement windows are a very good choice for replacement windows–especially our Windows. These windows are made of vinyl and are foam filled on the sides of the frame for even more insulation. Not to mention most new vinyl windows are filled with special gases that sit between the glass to provide a cushion on insulation between you and the outside world. Here at Conservation Construction of Texas we use two separate types of gas Krypton and Argon. 


Vinyl windows come in multiple colors, and never need to get painted again once they are installed. That’s because vinyl windows are extremely durable. 


Exclusive to Conservation Construction of Texas our are Windows which were made for longevity. Our windows come with; Custom Bottom Drains, Argon Gas Fill, Supreme Locking System, Easy Clean Coating, and Low-E Glass Shield. It’s all of these things working together that give you superior thermal performance and durability. 




Most window and door companies out there will promise a lifetime warranty, but then only cover the new windows for 10 years. Not here at Conservation Construction of Texas. The other companies out there have nothing on our warranty. Just remember when you are getting ready to purchase new windows to check just how long the “Lifetime Warranties” last. 


Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve learned the differences between Vinyl Window Frames, Wood and Metal. When looking for windows keep in mind; style, energy efficiency, and functionality. If you keep all three things in mind then you are sure to get a set of windows that will last a lifetime. Conservation Construction has some of the most durable and beautiful windows on the market today. All of our quotes are free and price locked for one full year! 


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