Should I Get Window Replacement Or Siding Replacement First? 

Window and Siding Replacement are good places to start when it comes to home exterior projects. If you’re thinking about either project you may not know which one is the better place to start. Keep reading the article to learn more about exterior Siding and Window Replacement. 


Windows Are Better First

If you’re thinking about replacing worn out windows and siding, but can’t afford to have everything done at once, you may be wondering if it’s better to get your windows replaced first or your siding. The very short answer is go for replacing the windows first. Replace windows first too, if you have cracked glass, broken locks, or frames which don’t function properly. It’s best to keep your home safe and secure first before redoing the siding. 


Why Windows First?

In almost all cases, it’s better to install your windows before your siding so you won’t have to redo trim and siding work. New windows are installed from the exterior. Installers may have to remove trim or siding to put them in, so always do them before siding if possible. In addition, windows account more for the energy loss in a home. It is said that old windows can let out 25%-30% of your total energy loss. 


New Siding

You’ll get new trim alone with new Siding Replacement. So if the trim was damaged by new window replacement it will be good to get this process done second. That way new trim will cover up any messes and your[ house will look brand spanking new from the outside! 


Remember To Look At Wear

However, if your siding is in a worse shape than your windows, you may need to replace your siding instead. As a homeowner, you need to address what your home needs the most first. Only you know the ins and outs of your home better than anyone else. Do a visual inspection of your home and look for cracks, warping, or pilling up of water. If any of these are present you may want to consider replacing your siding first. 


Final Thoughts

If you are in need of new Windows or Siding we hope you’ve learned enough in this article to know which is best to replace first in your own home. At Conservation Construction of Houston we have the most energy efficient Windows and Siding on the market today. All of our quotes are free and we come to you so you don’t have to hassle one bit. If you are in need of either Siding or Window Replacement please contact us today for your free quote. Thank you for reading and we will see you next week for another article. 



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