We know that getting new windows can seem like an overwhelming process, that’s why we’ve compiled this short list of questions to ask your contractors when you are getting estimates for window replacement. These questions are ways to gain knowledge on the new windows you are getting, and give yourself knowledge to make an educated decision on this very important purchase. 

What kind of frame comes with the window you’re purchasing?   

This question is a great starting off question because it gives you a lot of knowledge as to whether the window will be energy efficient or not. Wood windows are mostly a thing of the past. Most windows today are now made of vinyl or some sort of composite material. A high performance energy efficient window should come with a solid frame and be scratch resistant. Remember, if you’re using the window a lot it needs to keep its integrity.  

How many years of installation experience does your contractor have? 

A good installer should have multiple years of experience. Think of it this way, you could give an average person a really nice Gibson guitar, but if he/she doesn’t know how to play it, it wouldn’t make a difference. If you have a top notch window but it’s installed by a person with no experience, it may get installed wrong negating all the energy efficient properties of the window

What kind of warranty does this company offer? 

A good window company should at least have 5-10 year warranties tacked on to all newly installed windows. A great window company will have Lifetime Warranties (like Conservation Construction of Texas).  This ensures if there is something defective with the window or something gets damaged by accident, you’re not paying for an entire new window. Windows have a lot of moving parts and a good warranty is essential.

How long will it take them to get out and install the windows? 

This question is essential when shopping around for windows. I like to think of the industry as the antithesis of instant gratification. Windows need to get measured, then ordered, then made, then transported, then installed. It’s all these steps that can create a bit of a waiting period from the time of the first estimate to the time of installation. If you’re in need of windows quickly or want a specific time frame, it’s good to ask your estimator how long this will take. 

Are the windows made with Low-E Glass? 

Most windows today are made with some form of Low-E Glass. This is a specialized coating that sits on the glass and gives your windows and home protection from the UV rays of the sun. Plus, this is a great thing to have on your windows to ensure more stable room temperatures all year round. Unlike other companies though, our windows include Low-E coating which ensures even better protection with multiple layers of coating. 


We hope you’ve learned something from this list of questions on window replacement. Keep all these things in mind when shopping around for replacement windows, and remember that Conservation Construction of Houston has all of the things listed above and more. You can get a free quote from us by following the link here. Check out our amazing line of windows here, and comment below on what your favorite part of the article was.

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