Picture Windows

In today’s article we will be covering picture windows! What are picture windows? Why are they named this and how can they benefit your home? Keep reading to learn more about these extraordinary windows! After you’re done reading you just might have the clear picture on these windows! 


What is considered a picture window?

Generally, a picture window is a large window with a fixed pane and without glazing bars. It’s known as a picture window because it gives you a clear view of your surroundings without any obstructions, just like a picture frame. The main difference between this window type and a regular fixed window lies in the frame size. Just remember that Picture windows give you the best picture of the outside world possible. 


Why Is It Called A Picture Window

A picture window gets its name from the fact that it is designed to give you a clear view of your surroundings without any obstructions—essentially acting as a picture frame for the scenery outside the window.


Are Picture Windows A Good Idea?

Picture windows are often larger than other windows and can let in more natural light during the daytime, filling your rooms with pleasant lighting and reducing the need for artificial light. 


Are Picture Windows In Style?

The clean style of a picture window never goes out of fashion. Since they are so big they need very little maintenance. They also are aesthetically pleasing from the outside too. If you drive by a home with a picture window you can spot it right away because of its elegant lines. Everyone will be wowed if you opt for a picture window!


Picture Windows Are Big

If you’re thinking about replacing your double or single-hung windows with a picture window, then you’ll have a much bigger window with a much clearer picture. If you are in a home that needs more natural light or you want a bigger view, we urge you to consider a picture window. 


Are Picture Windows Energy Efficient

Because picture windows are stationary and sealed directly within the frame, they are energy efficient by design. Additionally, at Conservation Construction of Houston our windows are designed for energy efficiency. They are coated with a specialty coating which bounces harmful UV rays back outside and keeps your home at a more stable room temperature all year long. In fact, customers who switch to Texas Windows can see an average reduction in their energy costs by up to 40%. 


Final Thoughts

If you want the clearest picture possible go with a replacement Picture Window! They offer tons of sunshine, big bold views, and energy efficiency. If you would like a free quote for your own picture window please contact us today by visiting our website. We can’t wait to hear from you so please comment below with what your favorite part of this article was. Thank you for reading and we will see you next week. 

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