Patio Door Glass

We’ve all heard the expression quality over quantity. I usually hear this when people refer to their friends. It can also be applied to your new patio door. If you’ve been needing to replace your old Patio Door with a new one, quality is definitely preferred not just over quantity but over price. Another expression, “You get what you pay for” comes to mind as well. To get a true long lasting door you need to pay a little extra for quality. We’re not saying you need to break the bank but it certainly helps you and your pocketbook to shop around. 


More Competitive Prices

For instance, most people don’t know that we have the same, if not higher quality Patio Doors, than Anderson, but our warranties last longer and our door is at a more competitive price than theirs.


What To Know

So what information should you know before you get a new Patio Door? Let’s spell out three simple steps to remember asking about when you are shopping around. These include;

  1. Glass
  2. Frame
  3. Installation
  4. Warranties

If you remember these four steps you’re pretty much set. As you can see, we’ve labelled glass as the top thing to remember. That’s because glass is where most of the energy efficiency comes from. A great glass will be Low-E glass. Low-E glass means that it’s been tested for energy efficiency. Layers of protective coating keep the harmful UV rays from coming inside your home. A good Low-E glass keeps your home insulated, giving you more stable room temperatures all year round. In turn, this saves you money on your energy costs. Another key factor in energy efficient doors and windows is the gas that sits between the glass. It’s this gas, we use a Argon gas mix, that creates a barrier of insulation between the panes. 



Now to key point number two; the frame. The frame of the door is important for longevity and functionality. The wheels, hardware and frame should all be made for durability. Make sure you get a frame that is resistant to fading and resistant to scratches. Make sure that whatever nature or you throws at the frame it stays the same. 



Key point three is top notch installation. Removing and replacing a Patio Door is a precise process. You need to make sure that you have installers that know what they’re doing. The door needs to sit properly and be insulated on the sides to prevent air infiltration. If a person doesn’t know what they are doing, you’re not going to get all the energy efficiency out of the door you are hoping for. All of our installers here at Conservation Construction of Houston have been working in their respective fields for years and years. 


Check The Warranties

Finally, the warranty is something people forget to ask about, but make sure you ask about it. These warranties should be free with the purchase of the door (unlike electronics) and they guarantee that your door is covered for at least the first ten years. If the company you are going with has not mentioned a warranty that is a huge red flag. Don’t ever go with a company that is not offering warranties. This is kind of a way of them saying they trust their product. If they don’t have warranties they don’t trust their product. If they don’t trust their product, why should you? Here at Conservation Construction of Houston we offer Lifetime Limited Warranties. 


Final Thoughts

In conclusion, remember to ask about glass, frame, installation and warranties. It’s easy to remember the first two because they come on all Patio Doors and are the pieces you look at when you see the door first. The last two are harder to remember, but we’re confident in you! Advocate for yourself and your home. We’re confident that you’ll  get the best Patio Door to fit your needs. 

As always, comment below on what you think about getting a new patio door, and thanks for reading. 

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