My Patio Door Doesn’t Slide Easily

   If you’re like millions of other people out there, you may be having a difficult time operating your sliding glass door. It may be malfunctioning, or it may just be very old. In any case, not being able to open your patio door easily is a pane, and sometimes it’s a double pane depending on how much glass is present. So, what can you do about this pesky problem?

Just Fixing The Rollers

   It may be easy to think that fixing the sliding glass rollers will fix the problem, but that’s not always the case. Oftentimes a new set of rollers doesn’t fit the door quite right and you’re still not getting optimal functionality or energy efficiency out of the door. Sure a temporary fix may work good for a year or two, but then you’re back at the store buying yet another thing to fix the door.
   At Conservation Construction of Houston we are in it for the long haul, and we want your products to be in it for a lifetime too. So stop buying products that only last a short while and get you to where you were before. Get a new patio door and never worry about your door sliding poorly again.
   We guarantee that if you invest in a new patio door you’ll be much happier in the long run. New Patio Doors aren’t just engineered to last a lifetime, they are engineered to stay energy efficient and functional for that entire time too.

Old Patio Door Issues

Although it may not look it, old patio doors, along with sliding issues, can be sucking energy efficiency right out from your home. Old patio doors can have gaping, warping, cracked glass and gas loss. Any one of these things can bring down the overall energy efficiency of a home. Not to mention that I have seen more than my fair share of patio doors which don’t lock properly anymore either. This is adding another separate issue. You don’t want to have to worry about the security of your home from one compromised patio door. A solitary piece of wood shoved behind the door isn’t exactly secure either . . .

New Patio Door Benefits

    Let’s talk about the benefits of a new patio door and what you can expect if you were to get a new door installed.
   The development of new patio doors has come a long way over the past decade. Current patio doors of today give you optimal views, energy efficiency, functionality, and beauty. They do this by incorporating amazing structural components with long lasting materials. For instance, Low-E glass is now used inside most patio doors. This unique coating gives you optimal views with high solar control. This means you’ll get all the beauty of the outdoors, without the sun increasing inside temperatures. It’ll even prevent the UV rays from bleaching furniture inside your home.
Our patio doors use Low-E glass which has revolutionized our patio doors to be even more energy efficient than other patio doors on the market today. This unique coating has been said to make other Low-E glass on the market obsolete. Low-E adds 4 layers of protective coating. The result is a clear coating that blocks even more solar gain, reflects heat, and lets the light stream in. Low-E actually outperforms tinted glass often used in warm climates.


   It’s not just this either. Each component in our line of Patio Doors was made with longevity in mind. That’s why our rollers slide easily for life, our doors lock properly, and they are beautiful while doing it. This is all backed by our lifetime warranties. If you want to talk about a reliable door, just think Conservation Construction of Houston.

Final Thoughts

So if you are struggling with your current patio door and are done with all the hassle, we encourage you to replace the entire door not just components of the door. This will give you years of worry free functionality and energy efficiency. Remember, the little more you invest today the less you’ll have to hassle (and spend) later. Go online to get your free quote for one of our amazing patio doors today. We thank you for reading and encourage you to comment below! Have a happy weekend and we will see you next week for another article.

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