Is Your Door Energy Efficient?

It’s easy to check your exterior door. Air leaks are easy to see and feel, but easy to overlook as well. Weather stripping, front doors, or even  storm doors in your home can have cracks or even holes. If you have these present on your front door these small gaps can reduce the overall energy efficiency of your home. This can up the costs you are paying for heating and cooling costs. 


Energy Loss

It is said that energy losses from a gap or crack in the door as small as 1/8-inch — or on a 36-inch-wide door will let in as much cold air as a 2.4-inch-diameter hole punched in the wall. It is also said that the average homeowner spends $300 extra for heating a home with natural gas from October through March with gaps like these in their doors. That’s a lot of money for you that you could be saving if you just switch to a new door. Imagine if you could lower the costs and keep that money for something else?

Check Your Door

Lucky for you it’s easy to check your door and save money. Inspect the outside seal of your door. Check for cracks or small holes. If you see these holes it may be time to think about solutions to this problem. 

You can also easily feel if your door is reducing energy efficiency. Stand by the door and see if you can feel any cold air coming through the cracks. If so, this is yet another clear indicator that you may want to consider some solutions to this problem, because it reduces energy efficiency. It’s easy to combat heat loss with energy efficiency improvements. 

Some simple solutions are . . . 

    1. Get a towel and wrap it so it sits under the door to prevent air from escaping in and out.
    2. Get new weather stripping which they sell at Home Depot. You can put this on the sides of the door to stop breezes from entering.
  • You could get a new entry door which is the easiest, quickest solution. 


Energy Savings

Energy savings are easy with a New Front Door. New doors are energy star tested and rated. They have been known to reduce the amount a homeowner pays on their energy bill. Plus they will seriously improve the look of your home, make your home more secure and cause you to become more happy! 

All of these things are great reasons to say yes to a new entry door. But there is another reason to choose a Conservation Construction of Houston Entry Door. Our doors are the most energy efficient on the market. That’s right, our Doors will save you the most off your home energy costs. This is because our doors have the lowest heat transfer ever recorded in the U.S. for front entry doors. 


Doors Have Real Wood Look

We sell Steel or Fiberglass doors which are drastically better than older doors which were made of wood. You can still get the style you are looking for even if you are looking for a real wood look, but have much greater energy efficiency! That’s great news, right? 


Final Thoughts

So in conclusion it is easy to check your doors energy efficiency. Check for cracks or holes on the side or bottom of the door. If these doors appear it’s easy to get more energy efficiency buy just sticking a towel under the door or getting new weather stripping from Home Depot. If you are looking to replace your door however look no further than Conservation Construction of Houston. We appreciate your time in reading this article. We hope you get the door of your dreams, with us you actually can! We’ll see you next week for another article. 

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