Everything around you is Energy. It can come in different forms — mechanical, thermal, radiant, electrical, chemical or nuclear. Keep reading to learn some pretty interesting facts about energy efficiency. Hopefully the energy you use to read this article will be put to good use. 


  1. More than 2.2 million Americans have jobs in energy efficiency or clean energy production. That’s more than five times the jobs in the dirty energy industries, including coal, gas, and oil. In fact, about one in every six construction jobs in the country is connected to energy efficiency.
  2. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that you’ll save between $126 to $465 a year by replacing single-pane windows in your home. With Conservation Construction of Texas you can save up to 40% off your total energy costs because of our Low-E glass coating and Argon gas fill. 
  3. Energy-efficient windows are also excellent at reducing noise pollution.
  4. According to Google, they themselves use 0.0003 of energy to answer an average search query. This gives out about 0.2g of carbon dioxide.
  5. Old entry doors and patio doors account for 11% of the total energy lost in a home. Switching to new doors from Conservation Construction of Texas can help conserve that energy and save money!
  6. Volcanoes and geysers are examples of geothermal energy. 
  7. Birds and other small animals can perch on power lines without being electrocuted unless they simultaneously touch another line which would create a complete circuit. 
  8. Saving energy can be as simple as switching from incandescent light bulbs to LED.
  9. For electricity to come into your home, it travels from generation facilities to a high voltage switchyard, to transmission lines, to a substation, to a distribution line, to a transformer, to your house.
  10. Cedar Ridge Siding is one of the most popular siding choices because of it’s excellent energy efficiency. Cedar siding has an attractive exterior, better protection from the elements and it is extremely durable and resistant to weather. We sell this exclusively at Conservation Construction of Texas!
  11.  Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the use of less energy. Turning the lights off when leaving the room and recycling aluminum cans are both ways of conserving energy.
  12. About 30% of an average household energy bill is made up of wasted energy. Windows, doors and fireplaces not sealed properly cause heat to escape through the cracks. So switch to new energy efficient windows, siding and doors from Conservation Construction of Texas before you lose any more! 


Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s article. There are lots of things to learn about energy efficiency. We only scratched the surface in today’s article. If you have any other questions regarding energy efficiency please comment below. Get your free quote for new windows, siding or doors by visiting our website here. 

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