Home Renovation Quotes

Happy Friday to all who are reading this article. We hope you enjoy these home quotes. Share them with your friends, and we wish you all a very happy weekend. 


  1. Renovating not only restores the house , but restores the story of the home and the neighborhood. –Unknown
  2. A house is made of walls and beams; a home is made with love and dreams. –Unknown
  3. Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful. –Unknown
  4. As we evolve our homes should too. –Suzanne Tucker
  5. My favorite journey is looking out the window. –Edward Gorey
  6. Keep creating new windows with which to look at the world. –Don Shaprio
  7. A good home must be made, not bought. — Joyce Maynard 
  8. House work is another form of home improvement. –Unknown
  9. Design is coming to grips with one’s lifestyle, one’s real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one’s well being. 
  10. Clear views out your windows give you a clear perspective. –Conservation Construction
  11. Bring an element into your home that inspires inspiration. –Unknown
  12. The details are not just details, they make the design. 
  13. It takes hands to build a house but only the heart can build a home. –Anonymous
  14. Functional windows, siding and doors can improve your mood and put money back into your pocketbook with their energy savings. –Conservation Construction
  15. A dream written down with a date is a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. 


We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s home quotes. You can always improve your home both internally and externally. Remember that if you are in need of new windows, siding or doors we offer free quotes & 25% Off. Click Below to get your free quote. Comment on which quote was your favorite in the box below. 

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