Funny Home Improvement Jokes

Have a good laugh with us today as we cover some hilarious jokes about home renovation, doors, and windows! Share these jokes with your friends! Remember, if you are in need of exterior door or window replacement please contact us today for your free quote! Now, let’s get to the laughs. 


If a robber robs a house under renovation and accidentally leaves his handprint on wet cement,

Does that mean that the police have concrete evidence?


For those unaware, Big Ben is undergoing renovations in London; it’s no easy task

They’re having to work around the clock to make it happen.


I wrote a story once about a broken window. It’s saved in my drafts.


Heard that burglars used a potato to smash a window and gain entry to a local house, but the evidence may have been planted.


How do you use water to create light? Clean the windows.


How do you know when there’s a banjo player at the front door?

He’s got the wrong key and he doesn’t know when to come in.


I put a ” No Flyers” sign on my front door

The next day I was sent Two Emus and an Ostrich


If you are having trouble unlocking your front door, take out your wallet and arrange all the bills in mathematical order.

Because organizing your finances is key.


I need to decide what type of glass to use to fix my broken front door window…

…I could see myself replacing it with a mirror.


My son kept chewing on electrical chords so I had to ground him. He’s doing better currently, and conducting himself properly. 


 My brother asked me if the door was ajar. I replied, “No, it’s a door!”

12. I walked into my glass door today Oh the pane.


Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading today’s jokes. We hope you appreciated them, got a good laugh, and share them with your friends. Again, if you need exterior window or door replacement please contact us today for your free quote! We will see you next week for another article. 

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