Difference Between Aluminum and Vinyl Windows

There are huge differences between vinyl and aluminum window frames. If you are looking for the main differences in these windows you’ve come to the right place. Research is key to getting the best windows in your home. Keep reading to learn more. 

Frame Thickness Differences

Aluminum windows are generally thin-framed, so most of the window is the glass pane. On the other hand, vinyl windows usually mimic traditional window frame features. The Vinyl Frames with custom designs at Conservation Construction of Houston are thick and foam-filled to ensure top-notch insulation and protection from the outside elements. They protect your home much better than any aluminum window could. In fact, aluminum windows have fallen out of popularity over the years with most manufacturers switching to vinyl instead of aluminum for longevity and energy efficiency. 

Disadvantages of Aluminum

  1. Poor insulator: Aluminum doesn’t keep out heat as well as other materials. It tends to expand and contract with the sun which is a terrible way to hold in the glass itself. It can cause huge problems with cracked glass and broken seals. 
  2. Condensation: Moisture or even frost can form inside aluminum-frame windows, leading to problems. You can’t clean the condensation between the panes because the moisture is in between the glass. 


Aluminum windows cost less than Vinyl, but remember aluminum conducts heat and cold and is a poor insulator on its own. You might as well spend a little more upfront to have an overall better window. New vinyl windows, although costing more, save you much more on energy costs so they are cheaper in the long run. 



Vinyl windows are better at keeping out unwanted noise. Aluminum can conduct sound better than vinyl. Vinyl stifles sound and keeps it outside where it belongs. Our new Windows can reduce noise by up to 40% in the home which is a significant reduction. 


Ease Of Operation

Vinyl windows do slide easier over the life of the frame because they don’t expand and contract in the sun. This means they’ll stay in the right place and are easy to open and shut. Aluminum windows just don’t have the same capabilities. I remember I couldn’t even move my old aluminum frames because they were sitting so askew. Don’t wait until you have this problem happen before you decide to replace your windows, get ease of operation today with new vinyl window frames. 


Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve learned a lot about the differences between Vinyl and Aluminum window frames. To recap, Vinyl is more durable and insulating over time than aluminum. Aluminum expands and contracts when exposed to direct sunlight and can cause serious problems with glass breakage in the frames. Vinyl Frames are easy to operate and give you significant reductions in energy costs over the life of the window. If you are in need of new windows please consider getting a free quote for new Texas Windows. Comment below with your own thoughts on Vinyl versus Aluminum window frames. Thanks for reading and we will see you next time. 

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