So what really is the difference between a single hung and a double hung window? We hear these terms all the time but as buyers we don’t always know what this means. To my point, when I bought new windows for the first time I didn’t know what this term meant. I also didn’t know much about glass, locks, frames, or anything about the new modern windows today. 


The difference in a single hung window and a double hung window is quite significant though. So what’s the big difference? A single hung window only has one moving part i.e. there is only one panel if the window which opens and shuts/ has the locking mechanism. In a double hung window both windows are free moving and can be moved freely. 


This type of dual movement allows for extra breezes, smooth operation, and super easy cleaning. Since you can open the windows inside you can clean from inside the house instead of out. This means you can avoid that pesky ladder and all those tools you’d normally need to clean the outside of your windows

Double Hung Windows, Vinyl Windows
Double Hung Windows, Vinyl Windows


Double Hung Windows do give you bigger breezes too. They allow you to open both sashes for better views. We make all of our windows for longevity. So no matter if you use these windows all the time they’ll operate with ease. You can see an example of what this window looks like in the image below. 

Double Hung Windows, Conservation Construction of Texas
Double Hung Windows, Conservation Construction of Texas


With both the top and bottom sashes moving you get to choose how they vent. You can even allow the hot air to escape on the top while allowing the cold air in on the bottom. 

These windows give you is versatility unlike a single hung window can do for you. Our company gives you even more options with our unique stand out colors and lifetime warranties. We want your windows to last a lifetime and so should you. That’s why we guarantee the install and the products for years. If anything ever goes wrong with your product we have you covered under this amazing warranty.

Even with both sashes being able to open this doesn’t mean that this window is any less energy efficient than our standard single hung window. In fact, all Windows can save the average homeowner up to 35% off their entire energy bill. This means you’ll be spending less money on heating/cooling the outside world. This means you’ll get more stable room temperatures all year round and feel more comfortable in your own home. 

In conclusion, a double hung window can give you more versatility than a single hung window. With both sashes able to move at any time how could they not? They allow for bigger breezes, easy operation, and ways to clean that are simple. So give yourself a gift this Holiday Season that truly keeps on giving. Get new windows and see a drastic drop in your energy bills all year round.

Contact us today for your free quote on new double hung windows and see what a difference they can make in your own home. Comment below on what your favorite feature of a double hung window. Visit us online here

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