Are Old Patio Doors Costing You Money?

Have you ever looked at your last energy bill and thought, holy cow, this is really expensive? We’ve all been there. Heck, I say that every time I see the Comcast cable bill or my phone bill. Sometimes I literally just sit there and think about how much it costs to live life. I’m sure I’m not alone in my contemplating. With so many things sucking the money out of your wallet, why let your doors be another thing to do this too? When you choose to replace your old patio door with an energy efficient one you can see an average savings of up to 25% off your energy bill.  

People who choose a Conservation Construction patio door can see even more savings than our competitors patio doors. That’s right, our doors can save you up to 35% off your energy bill. 

Most people don’t know that their total energy expenditure goes drastically down with old patio doors. An old patio door can be costing you big bucks. Old patio doors which are 20+ years old usually don’t have any energy efficient properties any longer. The biggest reason for this is because back in the day they didn’t have the strict standards they do now for protection against UV rays. Most old patio doors were plain glass with not protective coatings on the outside. 

Doors used to be manufactured with air between the panes for insulation. Now patio doors are pretty much guaranteed to have a gas mixture between the panes to insulate better. Most companies use Argon gas between the panes. At Conservation Construction we use a mix of two gasses Krypton/Argon. This unique gas mixture ensures that our door insulates better than Argon alone. It also prevents air infiltration, increasing our overall energy efficiency rating. 

If there is a fog or condensation stuck between your old patio doors it’s a tell tale sign that it’s time to replace your patio doors. This indicates that the seal between the panes is broken and that the door has zero energy efficiency left. This means that you’re losing 35% of your HVAC energy to the outside world. That’s quite a bit of energy loss when you think of your overall bill. This could amount to hundreds of dollars extra over the months and years to come. 

At this point you might as well stop the madness. Getting new patio doors can save you a ton of money. Over time the door will make back what you spent in costs. Not only this, but new patio doors can save you a ton of hassle. New doors will give you clear views, function properly, and practically clean themselves with our Neat Glass Coating. 

In conclusion, you don’t need some magic formula to tell you if you need a new patio door. Just look at your energy bill and see if it would be worth it for you over time to get a new patio door. With a significant savings of up to 35% each month, it might be worth it to crunch the numbers and see how much you could save off your energy bill. In a year or two the door might be able to pay for itself. Lastly, you’ll get way more functionality out of a new patio door. Visit our patio door page for more information and make sure to submit a request for a free quote. We’re always happy to help out in any way we can. 

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