5 Things To Know About Your Home’s Siding

There is a lot to know about siding. In today’s article we’re covering the 5 basic things you should know about your home’s siding. So keep reading to learn more on this fascinating topic. 



The siding on your house is your home’s number one defender against the outside elements. It protects your home from rain, hail, wind, sun, and many other outdoor things like pests. Siding may look pretty, but it’s so much more than that. Your siding is very important to the overall health of your home. Keep that in mind as we read ahead. 


Old Siding

How does your siding look? Is it faded and worn out from the weather? Or does it look brand new? Believe it or not these simple questions you can answer by just looking at your siding give you a huge indication as to its health. If it’s been 20 plus years since your siding has been replaced, new coats of paint don’t always work to fix underlying issues. Sure, new paint looks great, but if your siding has gone this long it may have water problems or other issues that paint would just mask over. Stuff like warped panels and bubbles underneath the paint are not a good sign. Getting new siding now can help your home have vibrant color for years to come. New sidings include technology with fade resistance to ensure you get vibrant color for life, and never have to paint again. How cool is that?


Visual Inspections Are Free

It’s always a good idea to do a visual inspection on your siding. This inspection is free to you, all it takes is a little bit of time. If you go to your home’s siding with a screwdriver you can poke under the panels and just make sure that water is not getting back underneath those panels. If your siding is solid with no damage underneath you know it’s good to go. However, if you inspect your panels and find soggie wood, rot, mold or deterioration of any kind under those panels, it’s well past time to get your siding replaced, not just painted over. This is because if water is sitting stagnant it can cause damage to the foundation itself. It also means that the siding is no longer protecting your home from further rain or inclement weather. Give us a call for Siding Replacement if you panels are this worn out and we can set you up with a free quote!


Energy Efficiency 

Very old siding could be dragging down your home’s overall energy efficiency. Old siding could cost you 25% more on your energy bill each month. New sidings, like the ones we sell at Conservation Construction of Texas can give you up to 40% off your home’s energy costs. Not to mention the better insulation has also been known to reduce noise in homes as well. So less money and a quieter home? That’s just something to consider when you’re considering getting siding replacement. 


Sidings Of The Past Were Not Made To Last Forever

Although your current siding could still be doing an okay job, older sidings had older technology. You wouldn’t keep your giant old box tv forever, and you shouldn’t keep your old siding either. New sidings have technology that is made to last a lifetime. They have come a long way in protecting your home better. New sidings were engineered to truly stand up to whatever weather has to throw at them. We urge you to also consider this when you’re thinking about getting new siding. 


Final thoughts

We hope you’ve learned a lot about your own siding in today’s article and how to do quick checkups on it from time to time to maintain your house’s overall health. We can’t wait to hear from you so please comment below on what your favorite part of the article was. Please get your free quote today. 


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